Global Giving
Nissarana Galleries proudly supports the Elsa Primary School in India via Global Giving. We donate monthly to provide an education to over 40 children from the Bodhgaya Villages who otherwise would not receive any education. We donate a percentage of every sale, and you can donate too by clicking the Global Giving logo above.
The thursday girls
Nissarana Galleries proudly supports The Thursday Girls. We donate a percentage of our sales to help support The Thursday Girls and their work in supporting families suffering financial hardship in Sunshine Coast.
Founded by a group of women, The Thursday Girls are a financial resource for schools that have students who need financial aid. The school reaches out on behalf of the student, and if the application for the grant is successful, The Thursday Girls transfer funds directly to the school to provide the nominated students access to new opportunities and educational resources. For example, these grants could fund a laptop, sports shoes or a school camp that the students may otherwise wouldn't of been able to afford.